In hindsight, several particular decisions made in the 20th century created an environment that necessitated bitcoin....

Bitcoin is a return to sound money after the government overreach that led to the end...

To think through how bitcoin will replace the U.S. dollar, we must first turn to the...

No, the gold standard did not cause the Great Depression. And yes, a Bitcoin standard is...

How the U.S. succeeded in turning the dream of monetary imperialism into our current inequitable reality,...

Just over 50 years ago, Richard Nixon ended the U.S. dollar’s gold backing. In the 50...

50 years ago yesterday, on August 15, 1971, United States President Richard Nixon changed the world...

On the 50th anniversary of the fiat dollar, the U.S. is addicted to instant gratification in...

The economic and financial news this year has been grim to say the least. As central...

Instead of impactful decisions about the monetary system, like a bailout or quantitative easing, depending on...

"I’m interested in what happens when the market crashes and I’m interested in preserving an environment...

During a presentation on digital currencies entitled “Old Money, New Money,” Andy Haldane, Chief Economist...