In a recent speech, Bank of England (BOE) Governor, Andrew Bailey, expressed his preference for ‘enhanced digital...

While cryptocurrencies are widely known for running on blockchain technology, the Bank of England’s upcoming digital...

Andreessen Horowitz, the name behind venture capitalist firm a16z, is going international with a new crypto...

The new English prime minister could spark interest in bitcoin within a country that desperately needs...

Did this UK judge determine that Craig Wright’s reputation was worth 1£? You be the… judge....

The proposal from England’s Law Commission outlines a new form of property for digital assets, custodial...

The English soccer organization FA has today announced plans for building a new non-fungible token (NFT)...

Move over Heard Vs. Depp, Wright Vs. McCormack is here to command the world’s attention. On...

Japanese crypto and blockchain company bitFlyer released the results of a study assessing the public confidence...

Less than 24 hours before he was scheduled to speak at this year’s G20 meeting, Carney...

One of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency wallet and trading platforms, Coinbase, has completed a deal with...

In a speech prepared for the Lord Mayor’s Banquet for Bankers and Merchants of the...

Deputy Governor of the Bank of England Ben Broadbent has spoken out on the implications...

Mar. 22, 2016 — Researchers and academics across the Isle are proposing the use of its...

In a talk given at the Portadown Chamber of Commerce in Northern Ireland on September 18, Andrew...

I had the pleasure of talking with Matthew Roszak, Founding Partner of Tally Capital, for...

On May 14 the Social Media Leadership Forum will host the inaugural meeting of the...

Editor’s Note, 1-21-2015: This article has been modified to fix a reporting inaccuracy. Previously, we stated...