It’s time to visit Oslo one more time. Bitcoinist keeps mining The Human Rights Foundation’s Oslo...

Elizabeth Stark and Lyn Alden spoke about bringing Bitcoin worldwide at the Bitcoin 2021 event.

Lightning Labs has launched Lightning Pool, a marketplace for Lightning Network channel liquidity and, perhaps, the...

We asked leading builders of the Lightning Network what growth for the second layer protocol looks...

Lightning Labs announced a $10 million Series A funding round and released its Lightning Loop service...

BitMEX Research has confirmed that the Lightning Network’s Justice Transactions system can effectively prevent cheating.

Elizabeth Stark is the cofounder and CEO of Lightning Labs, the California-based startup spearheading development of...

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has all but confirmed that Bitcoin’s Lightning Network will feature in the...

The Lightning Network (LN) is approaching 2000 functional nodes as users begin to highlight the conspicuous...

The Lightning Network — a second-layer payment protocol enabling instant transactions at almost zero cost between participating...

lnd 0.4-beta release marks a milestone in the development of the Lightning Network.

Lightning Network transactions have successfully deployed on Bitcoin’s mainnet, marking the first step in a tech...

Blockchain developers ACINQ, Blockstream and Lightning Labs, are announcing the 1.0 release of the Lightning...

%%excerpt%% “I think the big takeaway is being able to visualize this technology and see what...