The first part in an article series by Ivan Makedonski from Breez on how Lightning's instant...

Relai's Breez SDK integration will bring a self-custodial Lightning experience to its user base by the...

In regions where the internet is slow or unstable, using Bitcoin’s Lightning Network can be a...

The funding will help accelerate Breez’s mission of using Lightning to empower developers and users to...

More companies are developing services to make the Lightning Network more accessible for users, such as...

Norwegian investment company focused on Bitcoin, Seetee, has become the newest investor in the Bitcoin and...

The Human Rights Foundation has awarded $210,000 in grants to propel six Bitcoin projects, including developers...

Breez has announced that Voltage will help manage Lightning nodes for its integrated podcasting network.

The Breez Lightning Network client now includes a native podcasting network, allowing content creators to become...

It was a monumental year for Bitcoin’s Lightning Network. As the year draws to a close,...

Crypto wallet provider Breez has announced an initial version of its Lightning payments app for iPhones....

The Bitcoin Lightning Network scaling protocol has passed a fresh landmark of 8000 nodes as a...

Breez has announced its mobile Lightning wallet is available in open beta, emphasizing ease of use....