Cryptocurrencies are making micronations possible, but questions remain as to just how far small states will...

The project seeks to pioneer decentralized, smart-contract based governance and help to overcome barriers posed by...

James Fennell Tempelhof, war zones old hand and Chief Griffin of Bitnation, on how Nation States...

Some experts believe cryptocurrency with it uniqueness is the answer to ending involuntary taxation and can...

Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, CEO and Founder of Bitnation, about a new application on the Ethereum Blockchain...

The idea of registering title, property rights, on the Blockchain is a mechanism for fostering social...

With 2016 marking four years since the last halving, what FinTech companies should we look out...

The programmable token Ethereum and its blockchain have been breaking the mould ever since its pre-sale...

The Republic of Georgia’s National Agency of Public Registry, renowned Peruvian economist Hernando De Soto...

An exciting partnership has been forged between BITNATION and Liberland, which will take open source governance...

Bitnation, a blockchain-based “Governance 2.0” initiative with a collaborative platform for DIY governance, has launched...

More and more high profile financial and political institutions are taking notice of the blockchain...

Bitnation in partnership with Swarm is developing a proto-constitution, or what it referred to as a...

African continent is determined to make a significant impact in the cryptocurreny ecosystem, especially with Bitcoin....

In May, Bitcoin Magazine reported that blockchain-based Governance 2.0 initiative Bitnation is developing a collaborative platform...

E-Residency program and BITNATION launches public notary service in Blockchain available for Estonian e-residents worldwide.

The Water Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization providing sustainable water projects to sub-Saharan African communities,...

A decentralized project called Refugee Emergency Response was recently launched by Bitnation to help resolve the...

The recent refugee crisis has led many to question the European nations and the role they...

Cointelegraph spoke with Dumitriu Gabi, the founder of, an organization that aims to create the...