The New York Times joined the rest of mainstream media in kicking bitcoin when it’s down....

Perennial Bitcoin basher and anti-cryptocurrency campaigner, Nouriel Roubini and Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin had a heated...

Paul R. Brody, the Global Blockchain Innovation Chief at Ernst and Young (EY), says he sees...

When they aren’t bashing Bitcoin as a bubble, nocoiners can usually be found trying desperately to...

As cryptocurrency prices continue to trigger Bitcoin naysayers, data monitoring site co-founder Nic Carter has...

On Wednesday, Bitcoin experienced another sudden price drop. As usual, it was the cue for  “nocoiners”...

Bitcoin has seen a massive decline in 2018 and it looks like it may get worse...

While Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market goes through what some might consider a healthy pullback, two...

Chamath Palihapitiya, a technology VC, has called out Warren Buffett on his negative comments about Bitcoin....

Warren Buffett has once again delivered a bearish and quote-worthy statement in regards to Bitcoin and...

Just as Bitcoin continues to disappoint get-rich-quick investors with another turn towards sub-8000 dollar levels, Bloomberg...

In an interview with CNBC earlier Tuesday, former Wells Fargo CEO Richard ‘Dick’ Kovacevich denounced Bitcoin...

UK newspaper The Guardian has published outright warnings not to invest in Bitcoin or gold, describing...

The Oracle of Omaha just doubled down on his Bitcoin predictions, while openly admitting he’s got...

In an interview with Fox Business Network, JP Morgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon admitted...