‘Era7: Game of Truth’ is an advanced TCG game and applies an economic model similar to...

KnitFinance’s objective is to enable DeFi on Multiple chains which is limited to only two at...

Canada’s Harvest Portfolios Group Inc. just launched their Blockchain Technologies ETF despite weak market sentiment. When...

The CFTC Chairman just told the Senate Banking Committee he wants to respect the new generation...

Virgin Money just jumped on the Bitcoin buying ban but it’s not as big a deal...

Harunustaspor, a Turkish amateur football team, just bought a player using bitcoin. The Bitcoin space might...

After much “will they or won’t they”, the South Korean government has finally implemented cryptocurrency trading...

The InvestDigital ICO illustrates how Australia has become one of the leading ICO targets for tech startups. ...

CashBet is trying to raise the profile of its ICO through a sponsorship deal with Arsenal...

The London Bullion Market Association is looking into whether blockchain can reduce money laundering in the...

Retailers in Bali are being forced to stop accepting bitcoin at their shops and restaurants. The...

At the end of 2017, signs that Bitcoin was making the jump from a currency used...

In response to increased regulatory pressures in China, Bitmain wants to set up shop in Canada....

Ripple just announced a major new partnership with MoneyGram that will see the latter pilot xRapid...

The Oracle of Omaha just doubled down on his Bitcoin predictions, while openly admitting he’s got...

The SEC has halted trading in shares of yet another publicly traded bitcoin company, Hong Kong-based...

RBC Capital Markets analyst Mitch Steves thinks the blockchain industry will be worth $10 trillion within...

Mark Zuckerberg just announced that Facebook wants to find out how cryptocurrencies could integrate into its...

Here’s a look at Nomura’s suggestion that bitcoin is translating to a wealth effect in Japan....

Exmo’s Pavel Lerner was kidnapped in Kiev on December 26th, shortly before the company fell under...