According to a theory from Quantum Economics’ Gerald Votta, the true identity of Bitcoin creator Satoshi...

The block size debate is among the most contentious discourse in Bitcoin, having spawned numerous community...

Bitcoin renewed its unrelenting trajectory into the stratosphere and reached a fresh all-time high of $8,040...

As the civil war between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash intensifies, a new contender is entering the...

Defiantly, Bitcoin struggles to keep itself above $6,300 USD after the Segwix2x hard-fork flop. Indeed, after...

Bitcoin Classic will soon be no more while the project tips Bitcoin Cash to become Bitcoin...

As some in the Bitcoin community suggest, we could see at least four Bitcoin networks or...

Andreas Antonopoulos has warned about Bitcoin Unlimited’s system of consensus and the dangers of a hard...

For over a year, attackers have had the ability to crash Bitcoin Unlimited and Bitcoin...

Two attempts to increase Bitcoin’s block size limit via hard forks — Bitcoin XT and...

Steven Zeiler explains why a one-megabyte block size limit isn’t a fatal problem. Bitcoin isn’t doomed,...

Bitcoin Classic, a fork of Bitcoin with an increased two-megabyte block size limit, appears to have...

Will Craig Wight´s “I am Satoshi” claim cause people to panic sell their bitcoins? If he is...

On Wednesday afternoon, a leading panel of leading Bitcoin experts and figures from around the industry...

The topic of Bitcoin Nodes is still a cause for many debates on Bitcoin platforms and...

Politics in Bitcoin are never far away, and a message posted on the Node Counter front...

Just because mining pools give individual miners the ability to choose Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin classic,...

The recent Bitcoin network issues are a significant threat to the viability and prospects of the...

Bitcoin Core contributor Peter Todd was recently interviewed on episode 34 of The Bitcoin Game, and the longtime Bitcoin developer...

Bitcoin Classic, an attempt to implement an alternative version of the Bitcoin protocol with a...