BTCC Chief Operating Officer Samson Mow indicated that the leading Chinese mining pool and exchange...

The long-lasting block-size dispute seems to be inching toward a climax. A large segment of...

There have been a few proposals to increase the maximumblocksize in Bitcoin over the past...

In anticipation of the Scaling Bitcoin Hong Kong workshop on the 6th and 7th of...

Jim Burton, the British lead developer of “lightweight” Bitcoin client MultiBit, favors a rapid block-size...

Bitcoin wallet provider GreenAddress was always critical of raising Bitcoin's block-size limit. As one of...

F2Pool, the world's largest Bitcoin mining pool, maintains that changing its code to allow bigger...

Slush Pool, a Czech-based Bitcoin mining pool accounting for 6 percent of hashing power on...

With Mike Hearn taking a step back from Bitcoin development to work for private blockchain...

Bitcoin payment processor Bitnet has indicated it is willing to implement block-increase proposals other than...

Hard forks are a rather contentious issue in Bitcoin. The controversy surrounding hard forks can...

The confusion and tension surrounding the term “Bitcoin XT” is what many are pointing toward as...

It has been little over a week since Mike Hearn and Gavin Andresen included Bitcoin...

Leading bitcoin startups including BitPay,, Circle, KnCMiner, Bitnet, Xapo and BitGo have come to...