Here’s what musicians truly think about tokenizing their content with Web3 tools like NFTs and the...

A recent art expo showcased the innovative use of NFT technology to preserve and digitally enhance...

Merging art and technology transforms art preservation and accessibility, enabling digital and traditional art forms to...

Audius’ co-founders explain how the platform is working to transform the music industry with AI integration,...

The music industry unites behind the ELVIS Act, a new Tennessee law fighting against AI misuse,...

The ELVIS Act, a bill designed to protect musicians from unauthorized use of artists' voice, image,...

Atlas Development executive Nadaine Tongco-Edades said royalties are among the many NFT functions best enforced on-chain....

Artificial intelligence is transforming the creative tech industry. Learn how to use generative AI tools like...

Cointelegraph has synthesized the biggest AI news of 2023, from developers and regulations to culture and...

The house has conducted over 25 auctions, focusing exclusively on digital art or including it in...

Midjourney is a generative AI platform that crafts unique artworks from text prompts and is accessible...

Beyond the realm of digital art, the influence of Generative AI is also being noticed across...

Alongside the announcement of the NFT collection the band commented that this is not just a...

Anotherblock’s CEO and co-founder, Michel Traore, told Cointelegraph that doing the drop as a digital vinyl...

Marinaki said that the human touch is necessary to help artificial intelligence machines understand culture.

The artists have added additional plaintiffs to the complaints along with further evidence to continue allegations...

Technology will continually evolve, but it’s the evolution of artists’ abilities in using it that divides...

YouTube says it will introduce two ways to inform viewers of AI usage, including a label...

The deal includes protections for primary and background actors when it comes to studios using digital...

Champ spoke from experience, saying people don’t care how popular one is or that an NFT...