The North American Bitcoin Conference Welcomes Bitcoin Novices

Curious about cryptocurrency? Everyone is invited to learn the what and the how of bitcoin when The North American Bitcoin Conference descends on Chicago, July
Curious about cryptocurrency? Everyone is invited to learn the what and the how of bitcoin when The North American Bitcoin Conference descends on Chicago, July
Op-ed - The North American Bitcoin Conference Welcomes Bitcoin Novices

Curious about cryptocurrency? Everyone is invited to learn the what and the how of bitcoin when The North American Bitcoin Conference descends on Chicago, July 19­-20.

The North American Bitcoin Conference and the College Cryptocurrency Network will present the Bitcoin Beginners Workshop, hosted by Pamela Morgan (Empowered Law), Will Pangman (Tapeke), and David Silva Smith (So What’s Bitcoin). This first-­of-­its-­kind workshop event will take place on both days of the conference. It will be free and open to the public, and all attendees will receive $10 worth of bitcoin, courtesy of Coinbase, for a truly hands­-on bitcoin experience. The hosts will provide a mini­-lecture explaining bitcoin basics followed by Q&A. Representatives of the College Cryptocurrency Network will be on hand to guide participants through setting up and properly securing a bitcoin wallet. Registration is required.

The North American Bitcoin Conference aims to make understanding and using bitcoin accessible for the average, non-­technical user through community­-oriented, adoption-­driven programs like the Bitcoin Beginners Workshop. The event intends to attract those who may be interested to experience bitcoin on a trial basis, but feel hesitant or intimidated to do so on their own without the guidance of trusted experts.

Hosts David Silva Smith, Pamela Morgan, and Will Pangman are always excited to introduce bitcoin to new and non­-traditional crowds. Their goal for this event is to demonstrate that bitcoin is ready for mainstream use, and to provide a friendly risk-­free setting in which Midwesterners can experience the visceral joy of testing it for themselves.

“Six months ago bitcoin wasn’t ready for mainstream. Today it is,” says Smith, as he hints at the blinding pace of innovation and user­ adoption around the five­-year-­old cryptocurrency. Morgan, a Chicago-­based attorney and educator, has been working with Pangman on a university outreach program to bring bitcoin education resources to students and academia. She says, “Bitcoin is a tool artists, musicians, writers, and other creatives can use to fundraise. It’s a tool students and faculty can use to conduct research across campuses and in a wide variety of disciplines.” Pangman adds, “Bitcoin is still in its infancy, but it’s never been easier to get started, but it’s never been easier to get started. This free Beginners Workshop is the best opportunity yet for folks who’re curious about it but need some in-­person support. There’s still time to get involved before the early majority.”

The workshop is designed for users with no prior bitcoin experience. Attendees will:

  • Receive free bitcoins and a bitcoin wallet
  • Learn how to make purchases from bitcoin­-accepting retailers
  • Learn how to donate to bitcoin­-accepting charities
  • Learn how to buy and sell bitcoins on exchanges
  • Learn how to secure a bitcoin wallet to prevent hacking and theft

Registration is online through Eventbrite.

The North American Bitcoin Conference takes place in Chicago, Illinois, at McCormick Place on July 19th and 20th. Over 1,000 attendees will meet and hear from the biggest names in the bitcoin industry, as well as powerful newcomers such as regulators and bankers. For more conference information, visit here or call (845) 319-7420.

For more information about the workshop, or to schedule an interview with organizer Will Pangman, please call (414) 213­-8905. For David Smith, call (517) 944-­1872.