The Bitcoin white paper has been re-uploaded to after Craig Wright failed to prove he...

Satoshi Nakamoto decided to move on 13 years ago, when they sent the last communication to...

The Crypto Open Patent Alliance began making its final argument in its suit against Craig Wright,...

SEC Chair Gary Gensler took to X to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Bitcoin white...

Satoshi Nakamoto unveiled the Bitcoin white paper exactly 15 years ago in an email to other...

Bitcoin developer Robin Linus of ZeroSync has unveiled “BitVM,” which proposes to bring Ethereum-like contracts to...

Prioritizing the ideas in the Bitcoin white paper instead of perceiving crypto as a forex market...

The whitepaper highlighted that there’s a need for constructive regulation supporting digital climate innovation.

Apple has removed the Bitcoin white paper from the latest MacOS Ventura 13.4 beta.

Technologist Andy Baio has found the Bitcoin white paper hidden away in the operating system for...

Since Kraken announced a partnership with Williams Racing's F1 team on March 28, the crypto exchange...

“FTX is the opposite of Bitcoin,” said President Bukele while explaining the inner workings of the...

Pete Rizzo and Dan Held discuss the release of the Bitcoin white paper and how the...

14 years later, Bitcoin has shown its strengths — and that it still has a long...

Examining the various innovations that led to the Bitcoin white paper shows us that only Bitcoin...

All of the unique benefits and attributes that make bitcoin valuable are underpinned by the network’s...

The Bitcoin white paper is far from a comprehensive definition of the Bitcoin network and too...

Trammell was one of the first to recognize Bitcoin’s potential and offers unique perspective for Bitcoiners...

The new vision of the Cosmos Hub is now expected to be on chain for...

The National Assembly in South Korea has received a report from financial regulators that suggests the...