JusticeDAO has raised over 654 Ether, worth $2.3 million through a fundraiser called “Free Alexey &...

Cointelegraph Research explores the implications of U.S. prosecutors’ case against the founders of the Samourai Wallet,...

Cryptocurrency investors are in a tizzy after dormant funds from the December Orbit Chain heist were...

The Orbit Chain hacker has moved nearly 13,000 Ether, worth $47.7 million, through Tornado Cash, marking...

The announcement comes despite Nocturne raising $6 million in a funding round in October 2023.

CEO Harry Halpin of Nym, a privacy-focused project, remarked on the draconian sentence handed down by...

The fund had raised about 591 ETH at the time of this publication and will support...

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution forbids Congress from making any law that could limit...

The Kronos Research hacker transferred $3.7M worth of Ether to Tornado Cash following a 20% price...

The conviction of Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev reinforces a very broad interpretation of criminal liability,...

Binance found an antidote to the infamous address poisoning scam,

Alexey Pertsev, the developer behind the controversial cryptocurrency mixing service Tornado Cash, is challenging his recent...

Once more, North Korea has demonstrated its cyber prowess, possibly undermining international sanctions by using cryptocurrencies....

The Oost-Brabant district court in the Netherlands has sentenced Alexey Pertsev, co-developer of Tornado Cash, to...

The convergence of ZK-proofs and decentralized identity systems could create more compliant privacy-preserving protocols, without sacrificing...

The Poloniex hacker moved over 17,800 ETH from six different wallets into a single Tornado Cash...

U.S. Senators Lummis and Wyden have disputed the Justice Department’s interpretation of money transmission licensing requirements...

Five Democratic congressmen have proposed a bill to ban cryptocurrency mixers for two years while the...

Although the crypto community is divided over the use of privacy tools, it opposes state persecution...

The recent actions of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) have ignited a fierce debate on...