Serving as a currency backed by energy of any source, bitcoin has solved problems that have...

Bitcoin provides the ultimate form of transferable value because it preserves the encapsulated wealth.

By separating money from the government, Bitcoin takes the control of money out of the hands...

Bitcoin represents the next evolution of the American currency being tied to a system of energy...

Historically, hyperinflation is a positive feedback loop of free money, illusionary wealth and greed.

While we casually talk about Bitcoin having multiple layers, the word itself has historical meaning.

This deep dive explores the elusive monetary prob our modern monies, and how bitcoin cures these...

The historical and economic environments leading to the creation of fiat and the culture of fiat...

Welcome to the introduction to a series of seven articles, entitled “Discovering Bitcoin: A Brief Overview...

Congratulations, virtual currency world—New York wants to expressly regulate you! That’s how important Bitcoin and...

Double standards are like mosquitoes to me: after hearing their buzz for a while, I...