As a stepping stone towards eventual integration of Stratum v2, Ocean Mining has added the ability...

Truly decentralized systems are not cheap, not efficient, and not simple to scale. This is a...

Braidpool is a protocol proposal for a completely decentralized mining pool, leaving no part of the...

Regardless of what Bitcoiners want to think, there is demand for assets other than Bitcoin. Taproot...

Witness data is given a discount in terms of fees paid to include that specific type...

The first part in an article series by Ivan Makedonski from Breez on how Lightning's instant...

Bitcoin mining offers a financially incentivized mechanism to capture and utilize methane emissions. This financial incentive...

Trying to filter out inscription transactions starts us down a slippery slope that can have tremendous...

Bitcoin’s environmental impact grows as the price rises in ways you couldn't have possibly imagined.

Bitcoin can even fix water shortages in water poor nations. Yes, really.

Speaking freely is just as important as being able to use your money freely. Centralized platforms...

Satoshi Nakamoto made a tremendous breakthrough in developing Bitcoin, but does that mean every facet of...

CrowdHealth, a startup focusing on crowdfunded healthcare products in lieu of insurance plans, integrates Lightning payments...

The launch of Ocean's mining pool was definitely not smooth, but that shouldn't distract from conversations...

The history and significance of the Ordinals protocol, and its use for NFTs on Bitcoin.

This represents over a year of dedicated research and development by the team, with a focus...

The final standards are being fleshed out to enable Schnorr based multisig across wallets and devices....

A reality check on the limitations of Lightning Network, and what that means in terms of...

A thorough analysis of the entire mining ecosystem, from ASICs to mining pools, looking at the...

A Bitcoin powered protocol for atomically exchanging your sats for digital files.