Regardless of what Bitcoiners want to think, there is demand for assets other than Bitcoin. Taproot...

Witness data is given a discount in terms of fees paid to include that specific type...

The investment round was led by Standard Crypto, with other notable firms participating in the raise...

Lightning Labs unveils the mainnet alpha of Taproot Assets, a significant milestone to bring dollar stablecoins...

The Bitcoin network’s mempool remains clogged with 415,000 transactions waiting to be added to the blockchain....

A group of developers in Malaysia are working to incorporate FROST and Taproot to create federated...

Taro daemon's alpha release on testnet enables developers to test issuing, sending and receiving assets like...

Though the bitcoin price is bringing the overall sentiment down, many exciting things are happening in...

Reviewing Bitcoin’s history of proposed privacy improvements can help us learn from the past and keep...

A group of Bitcoin Core developers discussed various attack vectors for Bitcoin as well as ways...

The newest update to Bitcoin’s main reference implementation was recently released. The hosts of “Bitcoin, Explained”...

The newest version of Bitcoin’s original software launched by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 brings improvements on...

Taro, a new protocol proposed by Lightning Labs, leverages Taproot and the Lightning Network to bring...

What is the Taproot upgrade and how will it benefit Bitcoin? This article will explore the...

Bitcoin Core developers are considering “burying” the Taproot soft fork, to help developers when reviewing the...

Users of the trading platform can now save in fees by withdrawing their funds into Taproot...

The first day of Keyfest 2022 highlighted the growth of the Lightning Network and Taproot, and...

Adam Gibson, aka Waxwing, is the lead maintainer for one of Bitcoin’s most prolific CoinJoin projects....

Bitcoin saw many highlights in 2021, its greatest year on record.

The progress that the Bitcoin community made in 2021 reminds us to take nothing for granted,...