CeDeFi super app seeks to tackle sustainability issues with an ESG-focused launchpad while addressing industry fragmentation...

Integrating AI with blockchain technology has immense potential but presents challenges in scalability, processing power and...

Jake Campton, communications lead and community advocate at VeChain, argues that providing incentives through gamification and...

Sustainability issues of single-game tokens trigger a rethink in Web3 gaming strategies

Web3 game dev introduces the ‘studio token’ model to increase sustainability, provide real-world utility and attract...

By simplifying the complexity of DeFi and making it more accessible to a broader user base,...

Blockchain technology is innovating the concept and utility of regenerative economy initiatives and environmental programs. ...

As the world moves toward a Web3-focused future, the debate remains: Do these technologies help or...

Following significant adoption to date, these latest trends demonstrate Bitcoin’s path to becoming our money of...

Tanzania gets a local crypto exchange to provide fiat off-ramp for crypto donations

This latest vinyl drop serves as another example of the growing phygital trend in the NFT...

Sparkles launched on Flare’s canary network in Jan. 2022 and has since handled 90% of NFT...

Contrary to a misguided Cambridge University study, Bitcoin mining leverages 52.6% sustainable energy, making it an...

PFP NFTs have seen a lot of adoption over the years. Can NFTs be valuable in...

Find out how blockchain technology can aid in preventing deforestation from the ground up

Cointelegraph’s editor-in-chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr moderated a panel discussion at the 2023 WEF on sustainability in...

The site furthers the company’s goals of providing mining hosting services to a retail audience using...

With the Web3 gaming sector often employing unsustainable play-to-earn economic designs, a service economy approachable gamers...

Virunga National Park, located in Eastern Congo, is mining bitcoin to preserve revenue in the face...

A new direction towards sustainable energy projects has been led with an investment into a Costa...