Bitcoin Magazine Books announces a new title that offers a novel framework for understanding Bitcoin through...

Bitcoiners, a community of people who share open-mindedness and an appreciation for sovereignty, can grow from...

While proposed spot bitcoin ETFs from BlackRock and others are novel in some ways, there’s no...

“I've gained a lot of sovereignty through … Bitcoin, and I'm equally grateful that my partner...

Jack and Liv, two Midwestern homesteaders and Bitcoiners, discuss their farm, food health and how Bitcoiners...

As Nigerians have been cut off from access to their own money amid a banknote redesign,...

An open letter to friends and family who are worried about the future of bitcoin due...

By separating money from the government, Bitcoin takes the control of money out of the hands...

Texas Slim’s Beef Initiative provides a model for bitcoin adoption to connect Bitcoiners with necessary tradesmen...

Bitcoin is a first step toward antifragility, but there are many other factors to consider when...

Bitcoin was designed to empower the individual through the separation of money and state. Self-custody wallets...

Bitcoin is a monetary system that returns to the ideals upon which American independence was built....

This July 4th is an opportunity to think about how Bitcoiners reclaimed their own financial independence....

Bitcoin lets anyone live and thrive wherever they want, ending government monopoly on our jurisdictions.

As KYC requirements and censorship grow across the world, Bitcoin will return power to the people...

Personal servers, like Umbrel and Start9’s Embassy, are ways for people to have more control over...

Bitcoin fits into the framework of economic equality, which exposes Nakamoto’s intentions to provide an opportunity...

Using Bitcoin to achieve financial freedom is a spectrum which can be analogous to climbing a...

Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer financial system and its ideology of financial freedom make a stronger case...

Sovereignty is subjective, but Bitcoin provides an unique opportunity for people around the world to be...