Mathematician Massimiliano Sala published an article through Ripple's university lectures program indicating that blockchains could be...

Harvard physicists successfully conducted an experiment using 22 miles of existing fiber optic cables to network...

Blockchain technology promises a new era for scientific publishing, offering transparency, speed and decentralized governance to...

A team of researchers from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore recently unveiled a new method for...

Researchers from Tampere University published a paper showing how digital twins in the metaverse, dubbed MetaHumans,...

A team of researchers from Europe and Asia recently conducted research determining that emoji associated with...

Scientists from OpenAI, Cambridge, Oxford, and a dozen other universities and institutes published research investigating the...

Researchers from Emporia State University in the Kansas and University of Allahabad in India recently developed...

Professor Sinh Thoi Mai from the Hanken School of Economics in Finland recently published preprint research...

Multiple teams have replicated and confirmed claims from the National Ignition Facility that it achieved a...

A team of chemists, led by Bartosz A. Grzybowski from the Korea Institute for Basic Science...

The U.K. Supreme Court ruled against Dr Stephen Thaler’s case that his AI product, DABUS, can...

A team of DARPA-funded researchers led by scientists at Harvard, with support from QuEra Computing, MIT,...

If you ask DeSci’s proponents why we should decentralize science, they’ll point to the state of...

Scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China and Tencent’s YouTu Lab have developed...

According to artificial intelligence firm Anthropic, state-of-the-art LLMs have a tendency to produce “sycophantic” outputs when...

The Nature editorial staff published an article discussing the potential benefits of DAO technology for scientists...

Academics are divided over research that claims that ChatGPT displays political biases in different jurisdictions. ...

A group of researchers from King’s College London have used a form of statistical mechanics used...

Researchers from Technische Universität Dresden developed a reservoir computing paradigm that uses a vortex of magnons...