By joining the EU program, the digital asset tokenization platform will contribute to ensuring legal clarity...

The European Commission selected IOTA’s Web3 Identification solution as one of the 20 participations of the...

The Sandbox platform promised to enhance gameplay options with its new multiplayer rules system, which is...

The Sandbox has launched its decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with a 25M SAND treasury, allowing SAND...

Indonesia’s financial regulator mandates a regulatory sandbox for crypto assets to curb fraudulent investments, requiring firms...

Bitcoin-based NFTs have flipped Ethereum in weekly sales volume, and Coachella and OpenSea partner to release...

Recent partnerships with household brands like Gucci, Lacoste and Warner Music Group have helped The Sandbox...

Forbes magazine launched a dedicated web3 space in the Sandbox Metaverse.

Avalanche is set to unlock $320 million in tokens for its foundation, the project’s strategic partners,...

Following the passage of the Financial Services and Markets Act in June, the U.K. government is...

Millions of people could come to Web3 in 2024 due to blockchain games, say two game...

Executives at metaverse firm Sandbox believe individual creators will build the future of the metaverse using...

Amid Brazil's efforts to establish roles regulators play overseeing digital assets and explore a CBDC, the...

Sebastien Borget, co-founder of The Sandbox, says that while the metaverse may feel like it’s “dead”...

In its fight against money laundering, Singapore provides operational licenses to crypto businesses that can showcase...

On-chain data shows The Sandbox whales have made large deposits to exchanges as 332 million tokens...

The Sandbox unlocked over 300 million SAND tokens for its team, advisors, company reserve strategic sale...

In the ever-evolving crypto space, every week brings with it a new set of challenges, opportunities,...

Gas usage for NFT projects has been on a downward trend, showing that users are holding...

There are currently 123 million SAND staked out of a circulating supply of 3 billion. ...