Over the last several months, Bitcoin price has followed the creator of the stock-to-flow model’s estimates...

After a harsh correction period, the mysterious analyst known as PlanB predicts Bitcoin will reach unexplored...

Is Bitcoin a commodity? It is, according to most regulatory agencies including the CFTC. But is...

Bitcoin price still can’t crack back above $60,000 and prices are slowly moving downward. And while...

After a long bear market and accumulation phase, Bitcoin has since begun to trace higher alongside...

After shaking off the worst selloff in months without a scratch, the current Bitcoin uptrend seems...

Bitcoin is trading at new record highs, and the naysayers are out in droves. Skeptics range...

Bitcoin’s PoW consensus mechanism is secured by consumption of electricity, this is what makes each newly...

Bitcoin has spent the weekend consolidating in the mid-$8k zone following a week of sharp declines...

PlanB, creator of the Bitcoin stock-to-flow (S2F) model, says the Bitcoin price is unlikely to dip...

The end of the year is usually a good time to review some price predictions for...

Despite dropping by about $1,000, Bitcoin is still way ahead of even some of the most...