The legendary politician, who advocated for many of the underlying principles present in sound money, believes...

Former US congressman Ron Paul says he wants to legitimize the dollar’s competitors, such as bitcoin,...

Ron Paul believes that Bitcoin is an alternative form of money and therefore it shouldn’t be...

Libertarian and Bitcoin holder Ron Paul still has concerns about U.S. crypto regulations given the country's...

Ron Paul’s former Political Director was quietly mining Bitcoin while his company received a trading suspension...

Joining public dismissal of the U.S. central bank, the ex-presidential candidate says stocks “cannot hide the...

Nearly 60 percent of people favor Bitcoin as a long-term investment rather than gold or federal...

The largest cryptocurrency Bitcoin forms a clear lead over other options for a ten-year investment, with...

Former Texas Republican congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul received his first BTC from Bitcoin entrepreneur...

Former congressman Ron Paul reiterated his views on cryptocurrencies as being good competition for fiat money,...

This week’s stories include mainstream media’s Bitcoin FOMO, the real story of Laszlo Hanyecz, Dutch authorities...

Former Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, says that a Bitcoin ban is highly unlikely and that the...

"I’m interested in what happens when the market crashes and I’m interested in preserving an environment...

Former US congressman, Ron Paul, has been bashing the Federal Reserve again after it raised interest...

Former Texas rep Ron Paul asked Twitter users which asset would they prefer to keep for...

Most people would choose to invest in Bitcoin over gold, fiat currency, and bonds, according to a...

Former US Congressman Ron Paul believes that tax-free cryptocurrencies may help navigate the economy past recession....

Many have compared Bitcoin to gold with some even referring to the former as “digital gold.”...

World financial chaos and the escalation of trade wars are propelling the global economy onto a...

This time last year, Bitcoin and its brethren were only in the realm of tech geeks...