AI could be beneficial or harmful and could even prevent the emergence of Web3.

Nym CEO Harry Halpin joins The Agenda podcast to discuss AI surveillance, the risks of CBDCs,...

CBDC developers have made little progress in developing products capable of "preserving privacy," and government is...

JusticeDAO has raised over 654 Ether, worth $2.3 million through a fundraiser called “Free Alexey &...

Fox and Time partner to use the Verify protocol on a ZK blockchain for immutable content...

Consensys, the company behind MetaMask, updated its privacy policy to improve transparency, user control and security....

President Meredith Whittaker of messaging app Signal has slammed EU lawmakers for revising a new proposal...

Cointelegraph Research explores the implications of U.S. prosecutors’ case against the founders of the Samourai Wallet,...

A Chinese court has sentenced three people to prison and fines for laundering 200,000 yuan in...

Proof of SQL, a new open-source ZK-proof technology, aims to cut SQL query times from 30...

Attendees of the 2024 Oslo Freedom Forum were united in addressing the threat that central bank...

The announcement comes despite Nocturne raising $6 million in a funding round in October 2023.

Digital identity systems face privacy and security challenges due to centralized management, prompting the need for...

CEO Harry Halpin of Nym, a privacy-focused project, remarked on the draconian sentence handed down by...

A new digital identity regulation in the European Union mandates member states to offer an EU...

Worldcoin’s controversial biometric collection project has led authorities in many countries to ban it.

Considering Telegram doesn't even offer end-to-end encryption by default, founder Pavel Durov has a lot to...

Vitalik Buterin advocates for zero-knowledge “Likes” on the decentralized social media platform Farcaster, following X’s decision...

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution forbids Congress from making any law that could limit...

A white paper on zero-knowledge cryptography has been granted the “Test of Time” award at the...