CBDC developers have made little progress in developing products capable of "preserving privacy," and government is...

Market Makers,ICOs

Centralized sequencers achieve higher throughputs and performance, but they also create severe security risks — illustrated...

What's the best way to place a value on a cryptocurrency? Take your pick, because there...

Keith Gill — also known as "Roaring Kitty" — has become a hero of the people,...

If I had to choose one Bitcoin conference to attend, it would be the Oslo Freedom...

TON's integration with Telegram has made it easier for users to use crypto to pay for...

Attendees of the 2024 Oslo Freedom Forum were united in addressing the threat that central bank...

Baby boomers hold $68 trillion in assets in the United States alone. Will that cash continue...

Operation Concatenate (OP_CAT) could be a game-changer for Bitcoin. But if its security risks are not...

The inclusion of staking in filings for Ether ETFs could have been an indication that regulators...

Turning Bitcoin into a multi-purpose ecosystem could allow it to reach the same level of success...

DePIN networks can eat infrastructure the way software consumed most commerce. Akash, Helium and Filecoin are...

Americans aren't allowed to make certain investments unless they earn $200,000 annually or they're worth more...

The launch of Runes of Bitcoin and the emergence of OP-CAT could redefine the blockchain's ecosystem...

Today's gamers are going to spend — on average — more than $6,400 on purchases they...

What will Ethereum ETFs mean for your favorite altcoin projects? Some will clearly benefit, but others...

England's High Court of Justice delivered a heavy blow to Wright with a judgment that said...

Considering Telegram doesn't even offer end-to-end encryption by default, founder Pavel Durov has a lot to...

Looking to protect the millions you've made from crypto during the Bitcoin-Ether ETF mania before this...