A court case initiated by Craig Wright against 13 Bitcoin Core developers could change the way...

“Everyone’s A Scammer” in vinyl form seeks to help support Bitcoin and Lightning open-source development.

Bitcoin, an open-source monetary system, can supercharge open-source development projects and vice versa.

Standards put forth by the open-source software team at Blockchain Commons will help individuals get the...

The initiative will support FOSS developers working to increase the usability and privacy of Lightning Network...

Promoted: The biggest event in Bitcoin history, Bitcoin 2022, is supporting Bitcoin's open-source community with a...

The cryptocurrency exchange has extended Bitcoin Core maintainer Marco Falke’s no strings attached grant for another...

Open-source bitcoin payment processor BTCPay Server released a security update based on feedback from electric vehicle...

As part of its Open-Source Developer Grant Program, BitMEX’s operator has granted $100,000 to Bitcoin Core...