Denelle Dixon believes the success of blockchain protocols will hinge on the ability of traditional finance...

The web developer Mozilla, mainly known for its internet browser Firefox, has joined the rush of...

Dogecoin creator responds to Mozilla's decision to disable the acceptance of crypto donations for their platform....

The Mozilla Foundation has halted accepting crypto donations due to social media criticism over environmental concerns...

In denouncing Bitcoin’s proof of work and Decentralized Identifiers, Mozilla’s Tantek Çelik undermines the W3C’s own...

Unstoppable Domains’ new chat protocol enables users to store data on their own servers through crypto...

The recently reported Firefox’s zero-day flaw was used by hackers to attack Coinbase employees on June...

Major open-source browser Mozilla Firefox announced new protections against crypto mining attacks in its new browser...

The Stellar Development Foundation announced the appointment of former COO at browser firm Mozilla as its...

Privacy-oriented Brave browser has filed complaints against Google for violating E.U. regulations on user data privacy....

Web browser Firefox will block cryptojacking malware in future versions as part of an anti-tracking initiative....

Former Mozilla CEO raised $35M for his new company Brave by issuing virtual currency instead of...

Web browser giants Google and Mozilla have implemented practices encouraging users to take care of their...

Coinbase announced a handful of nifty partnerships and tools over the past couple days: Mozilla, ITunes,... website has called upon its readers to support the US Freedom act, so that Internet...