A unique application of philosophically-derived mathematics, Bitcoin is a practical, simple and holistic solution to the...

There are mathematical patterns throughout Bitcoin that repeatedly result in the numbers 3, 6 and 9,...

The proof-of-work consensus mechanism used in Bitcoin is an objective measure of history which cannot be...

In a recent interview, Steve Wozniak discussed the mathematical purity of Bitcoin as “pure-gold” mathematics, separating...

Pioneering mathematician John Nash laid out a concept for “Ideal Money” that has parallels with Satoshi...

The apparently infinite value of bitcoin has been expressed in a proposed mathematical situation before.

Entropy, a natural phenomenon, is closely related to money and information energy — Bitcoin in information...

Whenever you hear, “That currency is not backed by anything!,” it’s almost always meant as...

So you don’t really know what bitcoin is, which leaves you with two options: research,...

Let there be two owners A and B of commodities x and y, respectively, of...

I hope to set a Bitcoin Magazine record for most succinct argument here, as my...

4Love is patient,love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is...

If there is an annual pre-Christmas Eve ritual in Washington, DC, and Wall Street, some...