Crypto privacy advocates were appalled when U.S. authorities sanctioned and shut down Tornado Cash. Could Bitcoin...

Law, markets, architecture and social norms are forces that constrain individuals’ behavior. Can governments take advantage...

The Binance CEO has announced that they restricted the 281 personal accounts of Nigerian users due...

Continuously expanding surveillance on financial transactions has no place in Bitcoin.

Wall Street Market, the second-largest darknet in the world in recent months, has been shut down...

A man in Michigan is facing federal charges for operating an unlicensed Bitcoin exchange after selling...

Discussions about encryption are becoming more of a norm than the exception these days, and the...

Malware is a grave threat to computer users all over the world, and even law enforcement...

The war between law enforcement and encryption is far from over by the look of things....

The Dutch National Police have taken an interest in Blockchain-based cloud services. A presentation given...

Authorities in Miami recently arrested two men in what may be the first instance of...