The SEC drops its investigation into Ethereum, Iran launches its CBDC pilot, and Italy puts money...

Italy is tightening its grip on the cryptocurrency market with a new draft decree set for...

Italy is set to ramp up surveillance of the crypto market, with its latest draft regulation...

EU member states have voted to advance the AI Act, marking a historic step in regulating...

The Italian privacy watchdog has given OpenAI 30 days to respond to new allegations that the...

The Italian city of Trento was fined 50,000 EUR for its misuse of AI technology during...

Italian startup BlockInvest will tokenize non-performing loans in that country in projects supported by Polygon Labs...

The country will preside over the Group of Seven until December 2024.

The global rush to regulate generative AI aligns with the European Union’s pioneering efforts to establish...

The memorandum of understanding declared that Banca d’Italia and the Bank of Korea would partake in...

The Amnesty International head said AI human rights abuse is “well documented.”

The investigation aims to verify that private and public websites have adopted the appropriate security measures...

The statement says AI offers “enormous opportunities” in tackling threats of online child sexual abuse but...

A recent report from CoinGecko shows that solo Bitcoin mining is profitable for individuals in just...

The Bank of Italy’s Milano Hub innovation center will support a project to develop decentralized finance...

The Bank of Italy is calling on regulators to hold stablecoin issuers and other centralized actors...

Last week the Markets in Crypto Assets finally became a law. Its implementation will begin in...

One member of the same political party said the speech was “flawless,” yet he is not...

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has decided to delist privacy coins in certain countries. The measure will take...

According to the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale, the industries in Italy that are currently at...