Pure Bit lured investors in with promises of a rewarding ICO then mysteriously vanished, taking 13,000...

The Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration recently issued a ruling saying there is no prohibition against...

South Korea stood its ground on the matter of legalizing initial coin offerings (ICOs), reaffirming the...

Despite the statewide clampdown on initial coin offerings, investors in China can still take buy ICO...

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has declared victory over Bitcoin, stating that the market leader’s...

South Korea’s National Assembly has put forth an official proposal to permit domestic initial coin offerings (ICOs),...

Bitcoinist spoke with co-founder of ICO Alert, Mike Finch, who shared his insight into the recent...

A Taiwanese Bitcoin Miner nearly paid for his life after being shot at by gangsters for...

The InvestDigital ICO illustrates how Australia has become one of the leading ICO targets for tech startups. ...

The SEC just issued another warning over Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) but the test of a...

Shi Yuzhu, CEO of online game developer Giant Network has reportedly invested millions in OKCoin’s sole...

Once upon a time, China was the leader in bitcoin mining, accounting for an estimated 71%...

On Friday, South Korea’s financial regulator, the Financial Services Commission, has issued a ban on all...

The deputy director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a top think tank based in...