Bitcoin’s transaction volume for 2017 has increased 55% as optimism and dissatisfaction with fiat alternatives fuel...

[Editor’s Note: The following article is an op-ed.] This article is for general consumption, but I’m...

Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis spills the beans on what really happened behind closed doors,...

Greece debt crisis appears to have been averted, or at the least delayed. A €50 billion...

Bitcoin promptly lost over 10% of its value in minutes Monday morning as news of a...

Bitcoin expert Andreas Antonopoulos compared the disruptive potential of the cryptocurrency to the Punk Rock movement...

Greek voters have issued a surprisingly loud and clear statement of support to Greek Prime...

As Greece approaches the referendum on Sunday July 5, there is complete uncertainty as to whether...

Greece has become the first developed country to fall into arrears with the IMF as it...

Greece has closed its banks and imposed capital controls to prevent financial chaos after the...

Bitcoin prices are on the move upward. Bitcoin volume trading is on the move upward. Greece...

The never ending tragedy known as the Eurozone is flirting with disaster and the unknown consequences...

According to information provided last week to the Russian newspaper Izvestia, the Russian Central Bank...

The European Central Bank releases a second report on digital currencies criticizing “stability” while struggling to...