The agreement is set to bring approximately $7.5 million of annual revenue according to Greenidge CEO...

The deal will involve NYDIG taking ownership of miners, with the aim to lessen chances of...

While current operations will not be ceased, New York continues to show an adversarial stance to...

The bitcoin miner that yesterday closed a merger to list on the Nasdaq announced buying flagship...

Bitcoin miner Greenidge announced today its plans to expedite the closure of an old coal ash...

Bitcoin miner Greenidge has partnered with Foundry Digital to buy 2,300 WhatsMiners and finance 6,000 Antminers,...

A recent article on the environmental impact of Greenidge’s Seneca Lake mining operation is one of...

The overdramatization of environmental concerns related to bitcoin mining obfuscate any legitimate conversation on the topic....

The bitcoin mining company will introduce a second facility located in South Carolina, a report outlines....