We’ll keep discussing the Tornado Cash situation because this is a watershed moment for the cryptocurrency...

There seems to be a disturbance in the force at the Binance Smart Chain. Even though...

Ethereum has had a solid weekend with further gains lifting it towards $200. Network fundamentals have...

According to recent data by GitGitRun.com, Bitcoin’s Github community has now has more than 2800 members,...

GitHub and development activity are one of the indicators for a healthy crypto startup project. Some...

Leaked conversations between Charlie Lee and other principle actors involved with Litecoin show evidence of no...

Civic Connect, an integration tool that will allow mobile app developers to integrate the Civic app...

Andreas Antonopoulos recently said on Reddit that his new book, ‘Mastering Ethereum,’ is in final production...

Go-Ethereum (or geth) is now the fifth fastest growing, open-source project in GitHub.

Syscoin, an instant payment cryptocurrency, has fallen victim to a malware attack after a hacker reportedly...

Last week TRON CEO Justin Sun announced the launch of a bug bounty program with a...

By the time I was old enough to enjoy the movie War Games, the graphics were...

Bitcoin core developers are among those reacting angrily to news Microsoft has reportedly acquired GitHub in a...

In a new development suggesting Parity’ recent flaw that locked up over 900,000 ether was more...

The Bitnodes project issued its first incentive last week and will continue to do so...

Clarifications: 1. This is NOT a change to the Bitcoin protocol, it is a change...