The value and economic opportunities that Bitcoin presents are ideal for the diverse, dynamic, rural regions...

Jack and Liv, two Midwestern homesteaders and Bitcoiners, discuss their farm, food health and how Bitcoiners...

Meet Erin, a Bay Area urban farmer and astrologist who sees Bitcoin and homesteading as community-focused...

A homesteader in Portugal shares her experiences running a farm, feeding her family and supporting a...

As costs continue to rise, one farmer began mining bitcoin. He shares his experience in order...

Texas Slim’s Beef Initiative provides a model for bitcoin adoption to connect Bitcoiners with necessary tradesmen...

The globalists’ coordinated assault on farming through environmental, social and governance restrictions are directly related to...

Dutch farmers are protesting in order to keep operating their farms. Society would benefit by incentivizing...

In this episode of the "Bitcoin Bottom Line" podcast, the host and guest discuss how Bitcoin...

The backbone of our nation, farmers stand to benefit the most from sovereign money that cannot...

What can Bitcoiners learn about agriculture, compassionate care of the soil and the food supply?

Ideas like soil guardian bitcoin faucets allow Bitcoiners to utilize their accumulated wealth to enact change....

Blockchain technology is increasingly being heralded as a solution to many of the problems plaguing today’s...

In Ann Arbor, Michigan there is a plot of land called Arbor Hills Farm,an organic...