Following U.S. President Biden’s executive order, the White House published a framework for CBDC development and...

The Biden administration is reportedly crafting policies intended to lower energy consumption and emissions from bitcoin...

The recent executive order offers insight into the United States government’s view of Bitcoin and how...

The governor of California signed an executive order to drive innovation for bitcoin and other cryptocurrency-based...

Investment giant Fidelity will reportedly enable its 23,000 business clients to offer Bitcoin accounts for their...

While the executive order didn’t directly challenge Bitcoin, the language of the order hints at future...

The long-awaited executive order on crypto by President Joe Biden is here. In an unprecedented move...

Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular as a means of payment and store-of-value. However, President Biden’s recent...

The order focuses on a collaborative government agency effort towards ‘urgent’ CBDC development and Bitcoin and...

The President is set to sign the order this week with a focus on national security...

United States President Joe Biden is poised to release a crypto executive order this week, an...