In a recent report, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) has expressed grave...

The EU Innovation Hub’s first report on encryption explores the dual-use nature of cryptocurrencies and the...

The Akira ransomware gains initial access of victim organizations through pre-installed virtual private networks (VPN) that...

Crypto played a major role in the takedown of the illegal dark web marketplace called “Monopoly...

Russia-linked crypto exchange Bitzlato has partially restored access to users’ crypto despite being officially seized by...

The U.S. Justice Department has announced charges against the Vietnamese operator of a Bitcoin mixing service...

European authorities detained 15 suspected crypto scam individuals and shuttered a large-scale operation of call center...

As crypto use spreads to every nook and cranny of society, so does its misuse of...

Dr. Ruja Ignatova, the infamous “Crypto Queen,” is once again in the crosshairs of law enforcement,...

Litecoin's privacy feature testnet returns as news emerges that Europol sees privacy and coin mixing technologies...

European police successfully busted a multi-million illegal online streaming business operating from Spain

When Monero (XMR) users choose to veil their transactions, they cannot be traced between the sender...

Europol released its 2019 Internet Organized Crime Threat Assessment report, which shows that crypto-ransomware remains a...

Europol is hosting its 6th cryptocurrency conference with over 300 crypto experts from law enforcement and...

Can a possible government shutdown of cryptocurrency mixers lead to the development of more censorship-resistant avenues?...

Craig Wright again makes claims about his true identity as Satoshi Nakamoto, while the SEC delays...

A Dutch investigation agency and Europol have shut down a $200 million crypto tumbler for being...

The Wall Street Market, the world’s second largest dark web market, was shut down with six...

The Federal Assembly of Switzerland has voted in favor of putting cryptocurrency on equal footing as...

A new assessment by Europol this week reveals a growing schism between the use of cryptocurrencies...