The European Commission has received a complaint from the largest consumer rights group in Europe, accusing...

The European Commission has recently approved a new tax directive for crypto companies within its jurisdiction....

The European Union (EU) is planning to create a sixth “Anti-Money Laundering Authority” that will be...

MONEYVAL, Europe’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CFT) watchdog, has prioritized monitoring the crypto industry, as...

Despite calls for action from would-be regulators in Germany and France and Europol’s recent claim that...

A new report by the European Commission explains that criminal organizations would like to use cryptocurrencies...

Bitcoin will lose all anonymity in the European Union if governments accept proposals to make exchanges...

It seems the digital currency Bitcoin is under fire by government officials all around the world....

D-CENT (Decentralized Citizens ENgagement Technologies) is a Europe-wide project to create digital tools for direct...