In a recent crackdown on illicit transactions involving crypto assets, the US Department of Justice (DOJ)...

Darknet marketplace Incognito is being accused of an “exit scam” which could mean dark web users...

Darknet markets experienced a notable uptick in cryptocurrency revenue, reaching $1.7 billion in 2023.

Login credentials for OpenAI’s ChatGPT have flooded the dark web, with over 100,000 being put online...

Cybercriminals are selling fraudulently obtained login details for verified cryptocurrency, bank and social media accounts on...

Chainalysis data shows that 1,374 criminal whales received between 10% and 25% of their total balances...

The SEC has filed charges alleging securities fraud on the darknet for the very first time....

Too much "decentralization" at the FBI? A new report spotlights redundancies and inefficiencies regarding the FBI's...

Anonymous White House insiders reportedly believe President Trump is sympathetic to calls for the release of...

‘Criminals cannot hide behind technology to break the law,’ a US attorney stated.

Users are afraid they may be in the middle of an exit scam

The OSCE held a five-day course for Central Asian law enforcement representatives that taught them how...

A drug-dealing couple has pleaded guilty to selling a variety of controlled assets on the dark...

Authorities have arrested alleged Silk Road drug trafficker Hugh Brian Haney per an announcement from a...

Two men plead guilty for illicitly selling steroids and controlled substances and laundering millions of dollars...

Blockchain solutions can offer a lot of transparency and reduced pricing to a broad ticketing marketplace....

Compliance-as-a-service company, Coinfirm claims to know where over 66,000 Bitcoins were moved after the BTC-e hack....

The Blockchain technology is providing us with the bricks to build a decentralized world. This has...

US government, in cooperation with European authorities, has shut down the infamous dark web market, AlphaBay....

Largest mixing service BitMixer shuts down in a matter of days, leaving users both puzzled and...