A recent survey found that more than three-quarters of adults have not yet been exposed to...

Today's gamers are going to spend — on average — more than $6,400 on purchases they...

Notcoin’s acquisition of 35 million users proves blockchain games are driving crypto adoption, according to TON...

Analyzing factors such as community engagement, past NFT performance and token price stability can guide users...

Blockchain gaming investments more than tripled for the month of April over the entirety of quarter...

The lack of Web3 gaming infrastructure remains the biggest hurdle for mainstream adoption, according to Param...

Web3 game Blade of God X has received funding from OKX Ventures to develop its “play...

The funding aims to help developers with final-stage blockchain projects come to market and boost overall...

This edition of Cointelegraph’s VC Roundup highlights Tevaera, AVALON, Uncharted, Contango, and Movement Labs.

The industry could see a shift towards player-centric Web3 games this cycle, as Web2 founders enter...

Web3 game featuring AI tools that redefine in-game strategy and customization is available in early access...

GameFi studios need to offer fun gameplay and the right play-to-earn mechanics in order to succeed,...

Yuga Labs, the firm behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club, has sold off two of its...

The game developer plans to launch its first blockchain-based game by the end of the year....

The wellness industry faces challenges in user engagement and data privacy despite its projected growth to...

Institutions are also becoming interested in Web3 gaming as more player-centric GameFi projects emerge.

NFT game firm Munchables narrowly escaped a massive $68 million theft last week and says its...

Silicon Valley-based VC firm Andreessen Horowitz will invest another $30 million into gaming startups at the...

Combining play-to-earn mechanics with dynamic gameplay, this Web3 game offers players a first-person Gold Rush experience...

Web3 advertising platform Everyworld announced that it now has a userbase of 225,000.