Six insightful data sets underscore the rapid rise of interest in Bitcoin inscriptions, demonstrating their undeniable...

Bitcoin inscriptions have been out for a few more weeks, so we follow up on the...

A new use case for bitcoin is causing a stir because of its ability to include...

The sudden emergence of inscribed Bitcoin blocks has been met with criticism, but it offers a...

A data-driven exploration proving that Lightning scales bitcoin payments beyond Visa and that second-layer innovation is...

Samson Mow recounts the Blocksize War between Big and Small Blockers and takes stock of the...

The block size wars were “fought” … but by whom? And what do we really mean...

Bitcoin has undergone many improvements over the years — and not without its share of controversy....

Musk’s points were already addressed in the block size debate previously, and have been shown to...

The ongoing debate about whether or not Bitcoin can scale sufficiently on its path to...

Eleven years ago, Bitcoin was etched into history with the mining of the Genesis Block. Here’s...

The Bitcoin network keeps improving in multiple parameters, and this time, mean block size peaked, carrying...

Bitcoin Cash spin-off, Bitcoin SV (BSV), is preparing to stage its own hard fork to allow...

Bitcoin price drew closer to $9000 May 30 as fundamentals data revealed the network was nearing...

The 15-month long bear market isn’t affecting Bitcoin adoption and usage, new data shows, as on-chain...

For years, Bitcoin developer Luke-jr stood out for arguing that the block size limit should not...

The Bitcoin network is scaling as the network just reached a new all-time high of 1.3...

Civic CEO Vinny Lingham forecast the Bitcoin price to remain below $5000 for at least three...

Here’s an overview of some of the most notable changes.

Today, two of the world’s largest cryptocurrency investment platforms, Coinbase and Bitfinex, both announced that...