The first ever Bitfilm movie competition starts on Steemit today. The users of this decentralzied social...

Cointelegraph spoke to Aaron Koenig, founder and CEO at Bitfilm Production, about the show and its...

Sum-up of the Bitfilm Festival second edition.

Bitfilm, Bitcoin’s own film festival has opened up the voting booths this October 31 to choose...

Bitfilm Festival, the first global film festival dedicated entirely to Bitcoin, is getting ready for...

Satoshi’s Last Will is a film by Bitfilm, set in a world where Bitcoin is synonymous...

A significant chunk of mining pools has taken a fierce stand against Bitcoin XT; the largest...

Bitfilm is a company that makes films for websites looking to increase revenue, traffic, or improve...

The White House has appointed Ed Felter as the Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer; BitFilm has...

Aaron, your project, the BitFilm Festival, sounds really interesting. Can you tell me why you...

Bitfilm-Festival schedule has been unveiled for the festival that is scheduled to take place on four...