Despite efforts to combat cybercrimes and theft in the crypto industry, a recent study by Chainalysis...

Bitcoin has taken center stage in a concerning development involving video game developer Insomniac Games, recognized...

According to new research, Bitcoin Ransomware may have been more prolific than we thought. In the...

With the recent rise of ransomware attacks targeting corporations worldwide, law firms are taking what many...

Bitcoin ransomware attacks have regularly hit the headlines this year, giving cryptocurrency negative press, however malware,...

Microsoft has defended itself in the aftermath of WanaCry, saying system modernization is “a high priority...

Bitcoin is shrugging off links with the ongoing international WanaCrypt0r 2 cyber attack as the media struggles...

Bitcoin has attracted a great deal of interest over the last couple of years, and mainstream...

Ransomware is now becoming standardized to create a lucrative business model, ransomware as a service for...

Sometimes it feels like the only way Bitcoin makes headlines is either through a price change...

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts will recall the story of several hospitals being infected with Bitcoin ransomware earlier this...

Bitcoin ransomware threats are once again making the headlines these days. Albeit they are now popular...

People active in the world of security will have heard of the Dridex malware before, which...

Bitcoin ransomware has been a new type of malware attacking computers and networks all over the...

Over the course of 2015, many individuals and companies have been affected by ransomware. While this...