The master decryption keys for the ransomware, CrySis, has been released to the public, news that...

Smart Token Chain (STC), a blockchain project intended to “tokenize” financial information, has successfully executed its first...

Visa is working on a blockchain-based solution for cross-border, business-to-business exchange called Visa B2B Connect. Cross-border payments...

On October 6, 2016,  Decentral made the decision to integrate the Augur coin, REP, onto its...

An open source, blockchain-based project, Antshares, has reportedly raised $4.5 million in their ICO to help...

On October 3rd, 2016, Blockstream announced that they have selected Dr. Adam Back to replace the outgoing...

BANGALORE, India – Unocoin, a Bangalore based Bitcoin startup, has raised $1.5 million USD in a...

On September 14th, 2016, professional services firm, KPMG, announced a suite of services built around distributed...

Beginning in October, Microsoft will begin it’s new patch policy that will release new patches as rollup...

A research company, called Blockfreight, is unveiling their new blockchain platform. It is billed as the...

A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) panel said on Wednesday that while the threat of ransomware can...

Phishing site,, is still defrauding unexpecting users of their Dash despite having been outed as...

UK innovation agency, Nesta, is now hiring for a senior manager to organize a competition between...

Small blockchains/coins are being targeted by a novel 51% attack that is holding these fledgling cryptos...

On August 31, 2016, Coinfirm and Billon announced a partnership to make blockchain transactions more in-line with...

SAN DIEGO, September 1, 2016 — Airbitz, the popular mobile bitcoin wallet and world’s first edge...

A new report, issued by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), explores the potential of digital...

On July 18th, 2016, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) discussed investing in the blockchain...

New Zealand — August 29, Kim Dotcom, the creator of Megaupload, has recently requested for a...

On August 25, 2016, Australia’s Minister of Finance, Malcolm Keenan, announced that the Australian Transaction Reports & Analysis...