What started as an innocent inquiry about buying some tokens turned into an elaborate subterfuge that...

National altcoins are becoming an increasingly robust phenomenon in countries throughout the world. Like Bitcoin but...

While Bitcoin is promising to become a universal currency, a new generation of cryptocurrencies is stepping...

To track the progress and value of a digital currency, most people go to a...

Iceland’s Pirate Party may win the national elections on Saturday which can lead to a strong...

Dubai looks to operate fully via blockchain, lawyers unite to aid digital currency users, and Iceland...

The financial crisis of 2008 bankrupted the tiny country of Iceland, and a few years later...

Energy and bitcoin come together, a bitcoin trust files with the SEC, and Iceland gives a...

Auroracoin, Iceland’s cryptocurrency, just got its first ever documentary courtesy of Vice Motherboard, its first major...

Why it’s important to be “shilling for altcoins” instead of focusing exclusively on Bitcoin, cryptocurrency’s clear...

Resurgent regional cryptocurrency Auroracoin debuted Iceland’s first-ever cryptocurrency exchange, ISX, allowing the people of Iceland to...

Is Bitcoin’s dominance over the cryptocurrency world slipping? Altcoin developers talk about how their competitive advantage...

Iceland’s bus stops are now decorated with advertisements for Auroracoin, the Icelandic cryptocurrency, which is set...

Auroracoin’s shine is gradually fading away. Being introduced in seemingly the right place and in the...

More of Iceland’s population holds cryptocurrency than anywhere else in the world. Could that, combined with...

Auroracoin has nearly doubled in price over the Panama Papers. CT spoke with developers behind three...

Auroracoin plans a second launch amid new financial scandals with Iceland’s government.

Cryptocurrency enables you to “be your own bank,” and banks are more than just a place...

Interview with David Lio

Matthew Slater's Interview