The saga of P2SH showcases Bitcoin’s unique dev community, the difficulty in making such changes and...

Amir Taaki was one of Bitcoin’s first-ever dedicated developers and perhaps the one most infamously focused...

The crypto anarchist story of Dark Wallet, the first bitcoin wallet with a CoinJoin mixer built...

Amir Taaki wants to use a “politicized startup accelerator” to restore Bitcoin’s “vision” and bring about...

The crypto-community is not short of colorful characters who want to overthrow the accepted way of...

With Bitcoin and Kalashnikov, a well-known Bitcoin developer fought for the decentralized economy in Syria.

Amir Taaki’s Bitcoin evangelism has been described by a critic as “defense of criminality” during the...

The developers of Dark Wallet, the intentionally controversial and OBPP award winning Privacy Bitcoin client are...

Visa Europe believes existing payments companies and new players should cooperate more openly; BitFury announced that...

Deep Web is the untold story of bitcoin, the Silk Road, and the dark corners of...

Darkwallet instructional Transcription: Hi I’m Amanda Johnson, a writer at Bitcoin Magazine and I’m here...

If Bitcoin has its enfant terrible, Amir Taaki is it. Living on a shoestring-budget in...

Max Keiser and Dark Wallet developer Amir Taaki: The anonymity-minded Bitcoin wallet as subject of a...

So you don’t really know what bitcoin is, which leaves you with two options: research,...

With representatives from the Bitcoin Foundation currently meeting high-level officials from a number of US...

Amir Taaki’s libbitcoin has come to be one of the most advanced alternative implementations of...

Yesterday Room77, the original Bitcoin-accepting restaurant and now world-renowned Bitcoin hub of Berlin, had a...

The Two Bitcoin Conferences of 2013 After the first two successful Bitcoin conferences that took...

Bitcoinica has had funds stolen again and users are angry.