21 Inc is one of the companies active in the world of Bitcoin and digital currency...

When 21 Inc. introduced its first product, the 21 Bitcoin Computer, it was targeted at...

To follow along with its goal to put “a bitcoin miner in every device and...

Ever since the Bitcoin computer by 21 Inc has been released, various community members have been...

On October 15, 2015, The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published 21 Inc.’s (21)...

21 Inc.’s new computer doesn’t have keyboards, monitors, and a massive enclosed hard drive, it may...

The most secretive startup in cryptocurrency, 21 Inc., has finally come out of the shadows, announcing...

21 Inc. plans to embed ASIC bitcoin mining chips into everyday devices, BitGo is said to...

If you are interested in working in the growing field of digital currencies or you’re...

Daily Digest about 21 Inc. becomes the most funded digital currency startup, founders of Counterparty announce...

21 Inc. announced it had raised US$116m in venture capital, the largest investment yet accumulated by...