The Arab world has finally begun to bear fruit to innovative Blockchain-based projects.

Who is behind a Dubai-based company that allows investors to purchase property with Bitcoin

Dubai no longer views Blockchain as simply a fad and will likely be the world’s first...

Developers behind the decentralized cloud storage, Sia, have just released their most stable version yet: Sia...

As of December 18, 2015, all assets related to MintChip – a digital currency developed...

Maximilian S. was an aspiring drug kingpin who ran an entire operation for two years out...

Bitcoin price analysts are struggling to identify the rationale behind the sudden price spike in the...

The German-developed offering sees players control a tiny, fast orb that grows in size as it...

BitQuick announced that users on the security-oriented company will be able to conveniently utilize the...

Founded by Ruben Gsp and Antonio Garcia of New Mexico, AirTM is a service that depends...

We sat down with Rick Falkvinge, the founder of the first ever Pirate Party in Sweden,...

The “Front page of the internet” had a rude awakening on the morning of July 2...

Coinkite announces a new kind of "Bitcoin Payment Button" that lets anyone accept bitcoin as payment...

Kim Dotcom advised his followers to invest in either Bitcoin or gold, claiming that values will...

New service that allows users to post questions and pay Bitcoin to people who submit the...

For those who are unaware, Cloud Mining is the process of Bitcoin mining utilizing remote servers...

Blockchain technology is shifting from a fringe phenomenon to being studied by traditional finance and governments,...

With the news of SoundCloud’s integration with Changetip, it only makes sense that there is...

In a bold move, BitGold has just acquired for CA$51.9 million (US$42.3 million), incorporating more...

According to the Financial Times (FT), cash transactions in the UK fell to 48% of overall...