Next spring the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Munich and Upper Bavaria, in cooperation with...

Many big German companies see major potential in blockchain technology, according to a new survey by...

The Swiss financial watchdog FINMA has reportedly advised the country’s financial institutions to set crypto asset...

According to a report by business magazine WirtschaftsWoche, investors in German ICOs have lost up to...

The co-founder of Ethereum, Joseph Lubin, called Berlin the most important city in the blockchain cosmos....

Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab found that around 21,000 ETH has been stolen through online scams over...

The EU Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive has come into force, setting new rules for European financial...

The German Federal Ministry of Finance thinks issuing a central bank digital currency has too many...

Austria's Financial Market Authority has introduced proposals for the strict regulation of cryptocurrencies and ICOs.

A report from PwC states the volume of ICOs so far in 2018 is twice that...

A study on financial crime in Switzerland published by the auditing firm KPMG in part analyzes...

Economic researchers at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy report that central bank digital currencies...

According to Capgemini's World Wealth Report 2018, almost two thirds of surveyed millionaires are interested in...

A study published by major management consultancy firm Bain & Company predicts a revolution in transaction...

President of the German financial regulator BaFin said that they will prioritize systemic risks with crypto...

Swiss bank Hypothekarbank Lenzburg is the first bank in the country to provide blockchain and crypto...

Venture capitalist and Bitcoin enthusiast Tim Draper said that blockchain could enable people to more easily...

German Consulting Firm Camelot has developed a Blockchain-based solution for ‘secure’ and ‘efficient’ management of patient...

Swiss Crowdlender Swisspeers to manage SME-Loans on Ethereum-Blockchain

The Principality of Liechtenstein will present a bill on far-reaching regulation on Blockchain technology this summer....