A streaming company launches its new blockchain to let viewers, streamers and esports tournament organizers monetize...

In addition to a desktop web platform, customers are provided with mobile — Android and iOS...

How to use your crypto wallet safely and spot possible threats to protect your coins against...

The wallet is designed as an alternative to Metamask, but the credentials are still applicable to...

Frequently asked questions answered about crypto exchanges and how they work

A digital entertainment production and distribution platform offers writers, musicians, artists and other creatives royalties for...

Players of a new game will be paid for winning with tradeable ERC-20 tokens.

A platform intends to use the distributed ledger and Ethereum smart contracts for logistics management.

A company is developing a platform with enhanced tools and learning resources, aiming to become one...

A streaming company says its new blockchain will let viewers, streamers, and eSports tournament organizers participate...

The project also reveals its own wallet supporting various ERC20 tokens and plans for launching MVP...

A projects also bets on easing KYC process and providing access to many supported exchanges for...

A project creates a platform for personal data exchange developed for users and companies.

The project meets the interests of small-scale producers that seized the local markets and need to...

A decentralized platform tries to surpass hundreds of online cryptocurrency exchanges by promising fast transactions and...

The platform users will pay content makers for using or renting their 3D models.

The marketplace for investing and trading Blockchain and fintech equity stakes is about to arise.

The project keeps promoting the public mining to the crowds

The company plans to re-imagine threat detection with decentralized Blockchain technology.

The project plans to change the world of online games by introducing a utility token that...