Korbit, the South Korea-based bitcoin exchange and merchant payment processor, announced that one of the biggest...

When it comes to creating jobs, don’t mess with Texas. The state has had strongerjob...

Have you ever wondered if the price of bitcoins affects bitcoin business? Could this be...

“I think voting is great, but, if I have to choose between a douche and...

Add another spot to spend your bitcoins, New Age Auto Sales is accepting bitcoin so you...

Chain.com is providing the best experience for developers, and venture capitalists are taking notice. Chain just...

I am sure you noticed within the last couple of days the value of a bitcoin...

Blockchain.info just reached 2 million wallet users, a historic landmark for the company and the bitcoin...

Don’t spend your days watching bitcoin charts trying to find the best time to buy or...

Colorado is getting a “network of bitcoin kiosks” according to a new press release about XBTeller,...

You have probably heard it a hundred times by now: we accept bitcoins… This “we...

Regulators & Bitcoin New York’s BitLicense was a particular hot topic for the weekend. Bruce Fenton...

Perianne Boring started the day off with a press release where she announced the Chamber of...

Indacoin, no, it’s not an India based exchange, but it is perhaps one of the easiest...

Mintspare has considerably simplified the means of acquiring bitcoins by enabling users to trade in their...

While all you Droid fans may say, “‘X’ phone already has this”, when Apple does something...

Just got dumped? We all know the feeling: you read an article promising wonders, getting...

Many have questioned the legitimacy of players in the Bitcoin enterprise and there is no doubt...

Businesses that accept Bitcoin are blooming up everywhere. Sometimes it can irk me that some...

Colored coins allow issuers to add an additional layer of value to bitcoins in a rainbow of...